Fellow friends and Users of UniversalSpeak,
As you probably know, we've been running UniversalSpeak constantly since 2013.
Here you can talk with your friends, family, game collegues and even meet new people without leaving home.
We try to make our server autonomous and easy as possible to use.
We do this with all the passion and love we have for gaming, but it also has a lot of hard work behind it and, of course, the main reason for this page, as you may realized is financial costs.
It has became very hard to maintain our services when we don´t have any lucrative means, since we are a non-profit organization.
It keeps becoming harder since TeamSpeak™ is systematically denying a partnership with us.
All the help we may receive is for our project expenses and is intended ONLY for that purpose.
- Domain name "Universalspeak.net".
- 256 slots TeamSpeak™ License.
- Uptime: We make our best effort to provide 24/7 server operation, 365 days per year, since 2013!
- Anti-DDoS protection.
Five music bots playing 24/7 (temporarily disabled).
- Nobody has access to your IP address, keeping your privacy ensured.
- Only regular users (Junior/Regular/Senior Members) may send Poke or Private Messages to other users, so you don't get spammed (+Info: FAQ).
- We do not annoy you with multiple intrusive ads for websites, luck games, or third partie ads.
- You can create your permanent channel completely free (+Info: FAQ).
We have an
annual goal of
200€, to relief our various expenses.
We need to get this value until the
1st of November to ensure the most important payment: 256 slot
TeamSpeak™ License.
- PayPal
The value you desire, we get almost 100% of the amount.
Patreon (temporarily disabled)
Monthly payment, they get 10%/20% off the value we raise per month.
MBWay (temporarily disabled)
Important notice:
The Patreon donation is a monthly payment like we described above, we see it as long term gratittude, that of course, brings to the patrono different benefits than PayPal donations. We'll check the Patreon payments every month and renew benefits.
If you made a donation, please contact an Owner through our
TeamSpeak™ or Instagram (
@universalspeak_) to get access to your benefits.