UniversalSpeak − FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

You are in the right place to clear all doubts about our services.

To create a Permanent Channel you just have to create account at myUniversalSpeak and create it.
These are multiple groups in the server that are granted automatically to users depending on their activity. The more time you spend online, the higher your rank will be!

Junior Member group classifies you as a user who uses our TeamSpeak on a regular basis. Not being a frequent member at all, but spending a few hours on our TeamSpeak.

Regular Member group classifies you as a minimally assiduous user who prefers our TeamSpeak when communicating with your acquaintances/friends and even with your family.

Senior Member group classifies you as an extremely present, extremely assiduous user in our TeamSpeak.

This process is completely automated and does not require the staff to give you the rank manually.
Every single information about how you can donate and help us can be read at our Help Us page.

UniversalSpeak is not, doesn't want, doesn't act, doesn't belong neither is part of "TeamSpeak Systems GmbH". UniversalSpeak is a project/organization with the pure ambition of serving gamers all over the world. UniversalSpeak follows the European law about cookies. TeamSpeak belongs to "TeamSpeak Systems GmbH" with all rights reserved. TeamSpeak is a trademark of "TeamSpeak Systems GmbH", in Germany and other countries. All the other trademarks are full property of their respective owners.